

Potamogeton lucens var. teganumensis

Potamogeton lucens var. teganumensis

Stem attaining about 2m, or more in length, many-branched; branches more slender, 1-1.5mm, across, Leaves smaller, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or acute with a cuspidate point at the apex, acute or subobtuse at the base, 3-nerved on each side often with a few accessory nerves, serrulate on margin, translucent, about 4-14cm long, 11/3-21/3cm broad; petiole 2-5mm long; stipule 11/2-4cm long. Peduncle about 8cm. long, 3mm, in diameter. Spike smaller, almost 4 1/2cm long and 5-6mm, across in fruit. flower smaller, about 4mm across. Perianth-lobes about 12/3mm long. Achene smaller, about 2mm long exclusive of the short beak. 

Nom. Jap. Gasha-moku, Chakkara-moku.

Hab, Prov. Shimoosa: Lake Teganuma(K.. K. Yamadzuta! Aug. 1904, Aug. 1905; H. Nakaso! Aug. 1905). 

Smaller than the type in all respects. This is applyed to the soil as a manure by the farmers who are living by the lake.

その後1912年にP. teganumensisに変更されている.P. lucensとの違いはサイズ感であるようだ.ところでこの記述にある株は葉が非常に細長い.